If you are a student looking for online jobs to earn making money at home without investment. If yes, then read this article.
Many students are always in need of money and aim to meet their financial needs by generating additional income. But the problem is where to find 100% genuine online jobs for students to earn money and how to work with them.
Here in this article, I am going to discuss 10 best online jobs for students to earn money at home without investment along with your studies. Students can work full-time or part-time to earn money online depending upon their priorities and availability of time.
This will not only give you an opportunity to do online work from home but also provide an opportunity to make money online by utilizing your extra spare time.
Table of Contents
List of Online Jobs for Students to Earn Money at Home Without Investment
1) Online Tutoring Jobs
Becoming an online tutor is one of the best online jobs for students without investment if you are an expert in any field or subject. You can teach your junior class students in your spare time. It will also help you to improve your subject concepts.
Online tutoring jobs are the most suitable online jobs from home for college students and professors to generate extra income. Students who are good in subjects like physics, chemistry, and maths can easily find online teaching jobs in India.
Online tutoring job helps students to improve their teaching skills. If you want, then you can do it in a full-time career also.
What Skills Are required for Online Tutoring Jobs?
The following skills are required for online tutoring jobs:
- Good Communication skills
- Subject Matter Expertise
- Technical Knowledge
- Time Management
How much money can you make from online tutoring?
Your earnings will be depending upon the on your educational level, teaching experience, expertise in field and the company for which you’re working.
You can earn around Rs 100 per hour, which can increase to Rs 1,000 per hour as you gain experience of teaching and expertise in the subject.
How to get started online tutoring?
You can check out this high paying online tutoring jobs for college students:
MyPrivateTutor – MyPrivateTutor is a great platform for students and teachers where you can teach from your home what you love on your availability. You can conduct any subject’s classes such as coding, social studies, math classes, physics classes, language classes, and many more. You can earn around an average on MyPrivateTutor of Rs. 100 per hour to Rs. 1000 per hour.
Sign up for MyPrivateTutor here, and start thinking about your first class!
2) Freelance Writing
If you have a creative mindset. And you love to write. So this is a great way to utilize your skills and earn a decent amount of money by writing content in your free time for others’ websites, blogs, magazines, etc.
Freelance content writing is one of the best online jobs from home for students to make some additional money by spending 1 or 2 hours daily. There is a huge demand for content writers for writing top-quality content on various websites, blogs, books, journals, magazines, and many other platforms.
For this, you must have your own unique writing skills. And with this, there should also be a commitment to complete the article in a limited time. You can start writing content in any field in which you feel that you are an expert in that field/subject and you have enough knowledge related to the field/topic.
What skills do freelance writers need?
The following skills are required for freelance writing:
- Fast Typing Skills
- Unique Writing Skills
- Time Management Skills
- Creative Thinking
How much money do freelance writers make?
You can earn an average $10 to $ 100 per article from an online content writing jobs.
3) Online Data Entry Jobs
Companies always need to enter and update data into their databases and to verify or edit data as it is entered.
Well, it is one of the best suitable online jobs for students to earn money as there is no investment is required and no any limit to earn money from data entry jobs. Earning you made it totally depends on your typing skills as faster your typing speed it will easier for you to make money more.
For a data entry job no matter whether you are a school student or a college student. If you have good typing skills and computer knowledge, then you will easily qualify for most of online data entry jobs and can easily earn money from it.
How can I get online data entry job?
For the data entry jobs sites like Up Work, click worker, and virtual bee post online data entry jobs for students.
How much do work-from-home data entry jobs pay?
You can earn around an average $100 per month.
What skills are needed for a data entry job?
The following skills are required for data entry jobs:
- Fast typing speed
- Basic Computer Skills and Knowledge
4) Virtual Assistant Jobs
In today’s world, there are many businessmen and high professionals do not have enough time to manage their operations. So they always need someone who can manage all their daily administrative, technical and social work. This is one of the best online jobs from home for students.
If you are skilled at providing professional administrative, Technical, and social assistance to clients, then this online job is best suitable for you. You can work remotely as an independent professional and perform different roles including scheduling meetings, keeping things organized, website editing, social media marketing, and many other remote works.
The duties of a Virtual Assistant professional vary according to the needs of the client. Some of Virtual assistants perform administrative tasks while other handle social media tasks. Generally virtual assistant have to perform tasks like arrangement of meetings, organizing files, and documents, travel arrangements, events arrangements can be completed.
How do I Become a Virtual Assistant online?
These sites can help you to become a virtual assistant
- People per hour
- V A networking
- Zirtual
How much do you pay a Virtual Assistant?
You can make up to $10 to $20 per hour.
What skills does a Virtual Assistant Need?
- Internet Knowledge
- Computer Skills (MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel)
- Good Communication and Writing Skills
5) Notes Selling
Are you an excellent note-taker? Do your friends always ask you to copy your class notes and assignments? If yes, then the next question comes to your mind is how can I sell my notes online and earn money?
Yes, that’s right. This is a very easiest way for students to make money online by selling your own hand-return notes to other students who always need help with some good study notes.
There are many online notes selling platform offer you to sell your own handwritten class notes, summaries, assignments, essays, etc. at the desired price.
How much money can you make from selling notes?
You can make money from selling your own notes that you take for every exam in your class. The amount you earn from selling your notes will depend on factors like how you took this class notes, assignments, and the number of notes pages. Generally, you can earn around an average Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000 per month.
6) Become Freelancer
In today’s world, there are many people who do not have enough time to do work like data entry, virtual assistant, graphic designer, video editing, translator, etc. If you have the right skills and you are ready for others then you can make a decent amount of money by working from home for a few hours a day by becoming a freelancer.
Freelancing is one of the best online jobs for students to earn money at home without an investment. There are many freelancing jobs from home for students providing an opportunity to work either part time or full time depending upon your availability of time.
These freelancing jobs are a great opportunity for students to work from home and start without investment. The pay of online job is based on many different factors such as experience, skills and knowledge about the field, which company you are working for.
I suggest taking a look at the job opportunities available online. And according to your interest, you can do online jobs from home in that field in whichever field you have the right skills.
How much can I earn by freelancing?
You can earn by doing freelancing jobs from home around an average Rs. 100 to Rs. 5,000 per day.
How to start freelancing work?
There are many free online jobs available for students in various categories such as video editing, logo design, graphic design, web development, data entry, content writing, and more.
You can easily earn money by registering on the below-mentioned freelancing websites:
- We work remotely
- Remote
- Flexjobs
Fiverr – Fiverr is a very popular Marketplace where you can start selling any digital product or service. This is a great place to make money online by doing what you love from anywhere in the world.
7) Online Survey Jobs
Taking online survey jobs are very popular online part time jobs in India. Because that doesn’t require expertise in any field. These jobs can do anyone in their free time and make money from it.
The best thing about the online survey is that you do not need any investment. You can complete this online survey from your smartphone or laptop with a good internet connection and earn some extra money.
You just have to create your profile by visiting survey sites. After this you have to complete the given survey. As soon as you complete the survey, you will get the fixed amount of that survey added to your account.
Be Cautious: Here you have to take some precautions. Because there are many fake survey sites are available on the internet. They never pay out. Which will only waste your time. Therefore, before working on online survey sites, be sure to check them. So that later you do not have to face any kind of problem.
How can I make money from online surveys?
If you want to make money from online surveys, simply sign up on online surveys sites here:
You just need to sign up on online survey sites such as: Swagbucks, Toluna
How much do online surveys pay?
You can earn around $1 to $5 for each successful completion of survey.
8) Make Money from Blogging
Blogging is a popular way to make money online for students. Blogging is a simple way to generate passive income by sharing interesting and highly engaging content on blogs and websites.
To make money from blogging you need to create your own website where you write interesting and highly engaging content and share it with others.
You can start a blog in any category such as a tourist blog, educational blog, tutorial blog, cooking blog etc. It totally depends on your interest and passion.
To start a blog you need:
- A Domain Name (Godaddy is a very popular platform for registering domain names)
- A Web Hosting (Hostinger is the one of the best hosting companies to host your website)
- WordPress Themes and Plugins
How to Make Money from Blogging
To make money from blogging follow the given steps:-
- Register a Domain Name
- Host your website or blog with the help of WordPress
- Design and customize your website/blog using WordPress Themes and Plugins
- Start writing high-quality content around the niche and publish it on the blog
- Do well Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) of your blog
- As blog posts are indexed in Google search results it will drive organic traffic to your blog and also try to drive traffic from social networking sites, emails and other blogs.
- You can make money by monetizing your blog with ad publishers Such as Google AdSense, Media.net, direct advertisements, sponsored posts selling affiliate products, selling your own products, and many more.
9) Become YouTuber
The demand for video consumption is increasing rapidly and YouTube is one of them great video platforms. It offers you to create entertaining, interesting and highly engaging content in the form of videos and publish it on YouTube.
It allows you to monetize your videos by serving ads on it, monthly channel membership and sponsorship, etc.
How to get started
To get started you need to create a YouTube channel and it is completely free to create a YouTube channel. After creating a YouTube channel, shoot videos in the categories in which you are interested such as educational, entertainment, tutorials, news, cooking, and many more and upload it to YouTube.
How much do you earn from YouTube?
There is no limit to earning money from YouTube, Earning totally depends on the number of video views as more video views more will be the earnings and there are many other factors are considered for the calculation of earnings. You can earn around an average Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 40,000 per month.
10) Make Money from Selling Photos
Taking photos is your passion? If yes then you can turn your passion into profit by selling photos with very little effort. This will be a good way to utilize your photo-taking skills for generating some additional money. You can monetize your photos by selling photos on all various online photo-selling platforms like Shutterstock, fotolia, etc.
Selling photos online by taking in smartphone is a great way to earn passive income here. In this, you will have to upload the photo once on the stock sites. And you will keep earning when your photo is downloaded in it.
Due to the powerful camera coming in today’s smartphone, you don’t need any professional DSLR Cameras and Lenses. You can also take amazing pictures with your smartphone and earn good money by selling these pictures online.
How to sell photos online and make money?
You can work 1/2 hour’s daily part time to click photos of nature, tourist places, animals, sunset, etc., and upload them on image-selling websites and make money from it.
You can sell your photos online on Shutterstock, Fotolia.
How much money can you make selling your photos online?
You can earn money around upto $ 30 to $ 100.
What skills are required for selling photos online?
The following skills are required for selling photos online:
- Photo taking skills
- Designing skills
Final Thoughts
I hope this 10 Best Online Jobs for students to earn money will definitely help the students to earn money from online jobs. Earning money from online jobs is not very difficult but at the same time it not that easy either. It requires some efforts to earn some money.
These were some genuine ways of earning money from online jobs for students at home without investment. Whatever online job you choose, you just make sure it does not affect your studies.
Do you do any online jobs to earn money or do you know any other good online jobs for students in home please share your experience in comment section. And lastly, if you liked this post, don’t forget to share it on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. What are the best online jobs for students?
Ans: The following are the best online jobs for students to earn money at home by working in their spare time.
- Online Tutoring
- Content Writing
- Virtual Assistance
- Data Entry
I have given complete information about all these jobs in this article. Still, if you have any questions or you faced any difficulty regarding these online please let us know in comment section.
Q. How can I earn money as a student?
Ans: Students can earn money by utilizing their spare time in doing these online jobs from home along with their studies. You only need a smartphone or laptop with access of good internet connection is all enough to start making money online.
Q. How to earn money online for students without investment?
Ans: Nowadays, earning money online for students very popular trending topic. One of the best parts of online jobs from home for students is it does not require investment.
Yes, it’s absolutely right without investment students can earn money by doing online jobs from home by utilizing their skills and spare time. The only requirement for doing online jobs is a smartphone or laptop with a good internet connection. Apart from this, there is no need of any additional investment.
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